happiness is homemade

How true is this? If home is where the heart is, shouldn’t that mean that the home is HAPPY? 🤔


Happiness might come easily in certain areas and not in others, but what isn’t there can be created—usually. If you find yourself unable to create or keep happiness in your home—is it really a home? YOUR home? Or are you just living there?


Know that you are meant to be happy wherever you are. Know that your happiness should lie within yourself and your purpose. Give yourself not only homemade happiness but also homemade happiness with meaning. With greater definition. Create what’s good for the heart because that’s where home is. ❤️🏡

#happinessishomemade #homeiswheretheheartis

Be happy with what you have while working for what you want.

Working on this because I find myself comparing certain aspects of my life with what could be. I am learning how important it is to always have gratitude, but I am also knowledgeable of what I won’t settle for—at least in the long term sense. The work is being done on my end but I can go harder to attain/attract what I want—and what I NEED.

#DoWhatNeedsToBeDone #TakeWhatYouNEED